<aside> 👋 Note**: Saying thank you for visiting!**


👀 Basic stuffs

Example questions to answer: What problem are we solving? For whom? When do they experience this issue? What data, research and feedback do we have that explains this problem? Which customers are we working with, or hearing from, to better understand this problem? Why is solving this problem urgent? Why is it important?

💭 Ideas

Example questions to answer: How are we solving this issue? What alternatives did we consider? Why did we land with this? What is the general shape of this solution? Do you have any mocks, prototypes, relevant comparisons in the market? How will we know that we’ve solved this issue? What will we measure? Have we considered how we’re building this to be fast, performant, scalable and/or relatively low-cost on our services?

👗👔👖👕👚 Inventory

Example questions to answer: How are we solving this issue? What alternatives did we consider? Why did we land with this? What is the general shape of this solution? Do you have any mocks, prototypes, relevant comparisons in the market? How will we know that we’ve solved this issue? What will we measure? Have we considered how we’re building this to be fast, performant, scalable and/or relatively low-cost on our services?

🧺 Laundry Bin

Example questions to answer: How are we solving this issue? What alternatives did we consider? Why did we land with this? What is the general shape of this solution? Do you have any mocks, prototypes, relevant comparisons in the market? How will we know that we’ve solved this issue? What will we measure? Have we considered how we’re building this to be fast, performant, scalable and/or relatively low-cost on our services?

🛫 Plan

Example questions to answer: What are we building? How does it work? How do we know that it works? What are we measuring? When will it be ready?

Then, answer these questions:

🚀 It’s go time!